bitcoin.address.p2sh module

Models P2SH Addresses.

A P2SH address is used by user to send bitcoins to a Bitcoin smart contract

Most information was extracted from the Bitcoin Wiki.

exception bitcoin.address.p2sh.AddressSHLengthError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Error raised when the redeem script hash has an incorrect length

class bitcoin.address.p2sh.P2SHAddress(script_hash: bytes)[source]

Bases: object

Models a legacy P2SH Address

__init__(script_hash: bytes) → None[source]

Initializes a P2SH given its script hash.

Modifies the attribute _script_hash


script_hash – script hash to set

  • AssertionError – script_hash argument is not a bytes object
  • AddressSHLengthError – script_hash argument has not the proper length of a script hash
do_things(obj: str) → bytes[source]

Does some things.

Parameters:obj – object of options
Returns:things modified by obj as bytes

Returns the public key hash stored in the address.

Getter:Returns the script hash as bytes object
Setter:Sets the script hash, while verifying the length and type
bitcoin.address.p2sh.SH_LENGTH = 20

int – length of the script hashes stored in addresses

bitcoin.address.p2sh.from_hex(script_hash_hex: str) → bitcoin.address.p2sh.P2SHAddress[source]

Creates a P2SH address from script hash in hexadecimal.

Converts the hexadecimal string into bytes and then uses those bytes to create a P2SH address.

>>> 2+3
Parameters:script_hash_hex – string containing script hash in hexadecimal
Returns:pay to script hash address